The Mifflin County Conservation District was organized in 1956 as a legal subdivision of state and local government, under the authority of Act 217, to assist Mifflin County’s landowners with natural resource related concerns, and provide the technical and financial assistance to implement conservation practices on their land. There are 66 conservation districts in Pennsylvania, representing every county except Philadelphia, and nearly 3000 nationwide, dedicated to conserving our soil and water resources.
From its origin as primarily an agricultural organization, the Mifflin County Conservation District has grown and diversified to become the primary contact for local natural resource concerns. The District provides assistance to citizens, landowners, organizations, agencies and local governments in critical land use decisions, water quality issues, nonpoint source pollution abatement, and other resource related areas. The Conservation District is managed by a Board of Directors who know the county, its people, and the local conservation issues.
Through its various programs the Conservation District provides resource protection for the benefit of Mifflin County. These programs restore natural resources, reach out to citizens, provide technical assistance, and facilitate natural resource education.